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Posts related to ‘Supply chain disruptions’

September 25, 2023
Aaron Lyons, home emergency network director and Steve Powell, EVP, loss adjustment property
Shifting the supply chain focus

Supply chain disruption stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an effect on the movement and availability of goods worldwide. While there are signs of recovery — factories have reopened, transit rates are down — inventory l…

September 25, 2023 by Aaron Lyons, home emergency network director and Steve Powell, EVP, loss adjustment property
August 08, 2023
Mark Buckingham
recall advisor
Industry groups’ call for corrections to EU’s MDR prompts questions about the need for additional guidelines for products marketed to children

Last month, the European Academy of Paediatrics and 22 other medical associations wrote a letter to the EU Health Commissioner, urging the correction of the new EU Medical Devices Regulation (MDR). They warned that the regulation has led to a shortag…

August 08, 2023 by Mark Buckingham, recall advisor
August 01, 2023
Chris Bakes, managing director, auto solutions, Kyle Dunlap, AVP, client management services and Jason Kurutz, director, product management and business strategy
Creating care-focused options for improved fleet resilience and safer driver behavior

Within the transportation and logistics arena, automotive fleet operators face unique and complex claims challenges related to cycle times, costs and safety. Whether serving a commercial leasing firm, corporate vehicle fleet, or trucking and transpor…

August 01, 2023 by Chris Bakes, managing director, auto solutions, Kyle Dunlap, AVP, client management services and Jason Kurutz, director, product management and business strategy
July 04, 2023
Expert dommage major and complex loss
The future of the supply chain in France

Read the French version. Supply chain models were initially designed based on forecasting that has now become obsolete since COVID. Many changes took place during the pandemic that impacted certainties around consumption and sales. There is a sense …

July 04, 2023 by Cyril BRISSAUD, Expert dommage major and complex loss
June 27, 2023
Scott Rogers, global chief client officer and Eric Malterre, chief client officer, international
The virtue of scope and specialization

Strong relationships and trustworthy support are indispensable in today’s economic environment. Organizations need partners who can supplement their expertise and help them resolve complex issues. When choosing a vendor partner, it’s important for an…

June 27, 2023 by Scott Rogers, global chief client officer and Eric Malterre, chief client officer, international
June 01, 2023
Andrew Newhouse, Pharm.D
director clinical pharmacy
Prescription drug shortages and costs are on the rise — what’s next for the pharmaceutical industry?

There are signs that the supply chain issues we’ve all witnessed over the past several years have started to subside, offering relief to many. That said, the pharmaceutical industry isn’t entirely out of the woods just yet. Supply chain setbacks have…

June 01, 2023 by Andrew Newhouse, Pharm.D, director clinical pharmacy
March 29, 2023
Roeland Kort, expert major and complex loss & marine surveyor and Michael Aupperlee, marine surveyor
Getting ahead of marine liability risks

When goods and machinery are produced on one side of the world and shipped to another, challenges arise. After a loss, there are documents to review, shipping regulations to navigate and liability issues to uncover. Whether a company is shipping peri…

March 29, 2023 by Roeland Kort, expert major and complex loss & marine surveyor and Michael Aupperlee, marine surveyor
March 13, 2023
Max Koonce, chief claims officer, and David Guaragna, SVP, operations
Inflation and the current claims landscape

Price increases can be seen across all industries — from food and fuel to construction and manufacturing. When we look at the claims industry, these same factors are influencing costs in workers’ compensation, auto and property claims. Inflati…

March 13, 2023 by Max Koonce, chief claims officer, and David Guaragna, SVP, operations
March 01, 2023
James Norman
International business development director
Defusing the impact of geopolitical tensions

Over the past year, countries around the world have dealt with wars, coming out of a global pandemic, a legacy of Brexit, and fuel and food security threats. These factors have and will continue to affect risk — causing shocks on global supply …

March 01, 2023 by James Norman, International business development director
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Interrupción de las cadenas de suministro globales: actuar y anticiparse a los retos futuros

lee esto en ingles Empresas de todo el mundo sintieron en los últimos años el impacto del COVID-19, los conflictos geopolíticos, los retrasos y la inflación. Para llevar a cabo su actividad con normalidad, tuvieron que hacer frente a estos factores …

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas , MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Global supply chain disruptions: anticipating future challenges and taking early action

Read this in Spanish. Companies around the world felt the last several years impact of COVID-19, geopolitical conflicts, delays and inflation. To conduct business as usual, they had to contend with these unruly factors and find ways to adapt their o…

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas, MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
December 13, 2022
David Berrey, chief compliance officer
Business continuity in an unpredictable world

Our complex global economy is fraught with uncertainty. Companies today must contend with numerous factors beyond their control that jeopardize their ability to conduct business as usual. The past few years have brought new levels of volatility to an…

December 13, 2022 by David Berrey, chief compliance officer
November 24, 2022
Tobias Walter, chief executive officer, Sedgwick Germany; Stewart Steel, chief executive officer, Sedgwick Europe Middle East & Africa; Caroline BRUN, directrice commerciale et marketing, Sedgwick France; James Norman, business development director, Sedgwick International; Jeroen Fröhlich, chief executive officer, Netherlands, Sedgwick International
FERMA recap: looking at new and unanticipated risks

Last month, several of our experts attended the FERMA Forum in Copenhagen. The theme was ‘Transitioning together: risk leadership in a fast-changing world.’ The event provided an opportunity to highlight trends around supply chain disruption, climate…

November 24, 2022 by Tobias Walter, chief executive officer, Sedgwick Germany; Stewart Steel, chief executive officer, Sedgwick Europe Middle East & Africa; Caroline BRUN, directrice commerciale et marketing, Sedgwick France; James Norman, business development director, Sedgwick International; Jeroen Fröhlich, chief executive officer, Netherlands, Sedgwick International
October 31, 2022
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
The spooky side of recalls

It’s the time of year, the spooky atmosphere of Halloween is in the air. And while ghosts, vampires and monsters are creepy enough, there’s one thing that can truly send a chill up your spine — poorly managed recalls. Regardless of whethe…

October 31, 2022 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
June 28, 2022
Chris Occleshaw
recall consultant
European recalls decline 2.4% overall in the first quarter of 2022

Even as many countries eased pandemic-related restrictions, recent events have introduced a new host of challenges and risks for the five key industries surveyed in our latest edition of the European Recall Index report. Our report includes analysis …

June 28, 2022 by Chris Occleshaw, recall consultant
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